- 刺五加甙B Ciwujianoside B
- 五加甙 acanthoside; eleutheroside
- 五加甙 B eleutheroside B(抗衰老); acanthoside B
- 五加甙 B1 eleutheroside B1(抗衰老)
- 五加甙 D eleutheroside D(抗衰老); acanthoside D
- 五加甙 E eleutheroside E(抗衰老)
- 她的成绩是B+。 She got a grade of B plus.
- 刺五加甙 eleutheroside
- comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。 The "b" in "comb" is not sounded.
- 甙 glucoside
- 为B向A说情 make an intercession to A for B
- 用b除a devide a by b
- 无梗五加甙 acanthoside
- 把线段AD 延长到 B to produce the line AD to B
- 刺五加 acanthopanax
- b = AP-DS1 号。 b = the AP-DS1 number.
- 五加零等于五。 Five plus naught equals five.
- 把A和B相比 parallel A with B
- A比B高 A is taller than B
- 五加皮 Wu Chia Pee